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fluxpad🤘🏿 mominstruments 🏝 com


fluXpad is the first sample sequencer that fully functions by simply drawing the sounds. It is super simple to record your own sounds, to create different patterns and to jam with them.
fluXpad is a sample based groovebox/workstation with a highly original sequencer, where you “draw“ your music, which leads to completely different results compared to a traditional sequencer. The y-axis of your canvas controls the pitch, while the x-axis controls the sustain of your notes. Sounds familiar, but drawing on a canvas without any grid is a totally new experience. Of course it is possible to quantize your notes and you can limit your note range to major or minor scales.

Concept: Andi Toma, Jan St Werner (Mouse On Mars), Jan T.v. Falkenstein, Florian Grote
Development: Jan T.v. Falkenstein (TeaTracks)
Visual & font design: Gabriele Trützschler von Falkenstein
UX design: Jan T.v. Falkenstein, Florian Grote, Gabriele T.v. Falkenstein, Mouse On Mars
Soundbanks: Mouse On Mars
Product management: Oliver Greschke


Paint your music

Paint your music

Projects & Kits


– 6 melody sequencers where you paint your melodies based on a sample of your choice
– 1 percussion/drum sequencer where you paint/tap your groove which can be made up of 7 samples of your choice
– record mode: either paint your sequence (on top) or tap your notes (at the bottom)
– each sound has its own sampler section with unique envelope – loop – and start settings
– quantize / unquantize functions for each sequencer or the whole pattern
– 7 patterns to jam with, for each preset
– ability to record your own samples with the build in microphone
– import samples via iTunes or AudioShare
– huge sample library with high quality sounds/kits made by Mouse on Mars and others
– lots of demo projects made by Mouse and Mars and others
– ability to buy new projects/sounds via In-App-Purchase
– ability to export/backup your projects (including sounds)
– Audiobus supported
– IAA sync supported
– Ableton Link supported
– ability to sync to other apps and hardware via midi

Video playlist


http://www.deutschlandradiokultur.de (Musik malen und Klänge kritzeln)
https://ask.audio (AskAudio review)
http://www.fluxfm.de (Feature at FluxFM radio station)
http://1ikkai.com (Japanese Review)
http://www.soundonsound.com (Sound on Sound review)


The idea of a tool to „paint“ music came up a couple of years ago. Mouse on Mars were asked for ideas to use tablets instead of a mouse in a professional studio environment. It soon emerged that replacing the computer mouse was not what Mouse on Mars wanted nor would it have improved their workflow. They had ideas how to use a tablet instead. You already guess it: Draw your sounds/music with it. Mouse on Mars hired Florian Grote who is now a part of the Native Instruments team, to work on an idea for a prototype app to draw and sequence sounds. With the success of Apple’s iPad it became clear that this tablet would be a perfect platform to bring the idea to a larger audience. At that time Mouse on Mars happened to meet composer and developer Jan Trützschler v Falkenstein via STEIM (Dutch institute for electronic music of which Werner had been the artistic director for a while).
Jan created several music apps such as Gliss and SQRT under his own label TeaTracks. He had been exploring similar ideas regarding the drawing of sounds during his PhD at the University of Birmingham which resulted in the iPhone app Gliss.
It made sense to them to team up and merge their ideas into fluXpad – the first intuitive drawing and sequencing music app.



44 thoughts on “”

  1. Pingback: fluXpad | IDIS
  2. Good app but when record into mic it don’t play back the sample it’s fine when import a sample but when say record voice it records it as a fizz this ain’t a major problem but I paid for this app other than that it’s good really good

    1. Gonzalo, no you don’t have to pay twice, because fluXpad is Universal. You might get asked to pay for the iPad, but then iTunes will „remember“ that you already own the iPhone version and the download will be for free

  3. It would be cool to be able to save each set as an Ableton project – with every instrument rendered as as a separate waveform – and all instruments played together forming a scene. Some iOS Apps are already enabled to do that – this could be an extremely cool workflow-improvement when it comes to re-importing what you just created into Ableton.

    1. That’s not possible yet inside fluXpad, I am afraid to say. When using fluXpad in a host like Audiobus or AUM (IAA) you could record and export the audio of course.

  4. Hello,

    Is there a mail where I can send you some bug reports ?
    Just bought your app already bought the (great) Elastic Drum, but the mail to report a bug into the FluXpad app crash the app !
    (Ipad pro 12′)
    And there’s a lot of issue so far with me at the moment…
    Thanks !

  5. Hello, I love your great new APP! I noticed two problems with using FLUXPAD however! First, when making a new song the APP frequently crashes on my IOS 9 First generation Air IPad and I lose all of my work when this happens which is a lot. Second problem, when going through the samples list that is already built in to the APP I cannot move my curser in the list make my sample selection. This happens very frequently and is very frustrating. So,when I try to pick a sample from the list it gets stuck on a previously selected sample. Often, I cannot navigate to where I want to go to the samples list to make my desired selection as the curser will not let me move along to where I need to go and gets stuck on a particular sample making navigation hard. I just thought you should know about my user experience problems. The crashes are awfully cumbersome and frustrating. Right now, the APP is not so friendly to use until these issues gets resolved! Violence Dank Von Kanada, Susanne

  6. Hello…..can you load samples without connecting to another computer…..
    I really only use an iPad….so can I directly access my samples stored in iTunes or audioshare without another computer….?

    1. Hallo,
      ja, Samples kann man über iTunes laden.
      Ableton Link wird implementiert sein, Fluxpad soll in AUM funktionieren, klar

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